Dual Career Support - our process

The aim of our consulting services is to support our dual career partners in building a professional network at their new place of residence and to develop a suitable professional perspective.

We make contact already during the appointment negotiations and arrange an initial meeting. In this appointment, we define career goals and jointly develop a strategy for job search and networking.  

The initial meeting can take place in our office in the city center, at the Garching campus or by telephone.

The further course of the dual career consulting depends on the needs of the partners: We maintain regular contact via e-mail and telephone and continue to provide advice and practical support. On request, we can arrange personal meetings to reflect on the progress made so far and to plan the next steps.


International Dual Career Network

In 2020, we established the first German location of the International Dual Career Network: In addition to access to networking events at attractive partner organizations, our dual-career partners have the opportunity to actively contribute themselves and their talents to a vibrant network.